Sunday Services

Sunday Mornings:
We meet every Sunday morning at 10:15am for our main service. It helps to arrive early to find parking as we don’t have our own car park. The structure of the service varies, but it’s usual to have times of prayer, singing, a family talk and the main sermon. Once a month, usually on the second Sunday, we hold a communion service.
Kidszone is available for children aged 2-11 during the sermon, though we do encourage the children to stay in for the whole service. Instructions are given from the front when it’s time for the children to go to Kidszone.
After the morning service is time for refreshments and a chance to chat with people, develop friendships and encourage each other.
Click here for more info on our current Sunday morning series
Sunday Evening Fellowship:
Evening services take place at 6pm during term time. We meet for an informal service for prayer, Bible studies, praise evenings and, once a month, an evening communion service.
Come and join us!
Click here for more info on our current Sunday morning series
If you have any questions about our Sunday Services or need to get in touch with us about any other enquiry, we will be happy to help. Please Contact Us for more information.